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22/06  Wolverhampton; Schumann Piano Concerto with WSO

29/06  Chesterfield; cello and piano recital with Kate Ley

19/03 - 31/03  Wiener Staatsoper; Czech language coaching (Dvořák - Rusalka)
16/03  Egginton Village Hall; 'Spring Zing' wellbeing and yoga mini-retreat with Suzanna Rees

06/02 and 05/03  University of Nottingham; 'WELL-BEING AND THE POWER OF SOUND', 

workshops for university staff

26/01  LSF Music School, Loughborough; Staff concert


14/11 and 5/12  University of Nottingham; 'WELL-BEING AND THE POWER OF SOUND', 

workshops for university staff

08, 15, 22, 29/11 and 6, 13/12   

Buckinghamshire New University, High Wycombe; 'WELL-BEING AND STRESS MANAGEMENT',

workshops for university staff 

03/11  Worksop College; cello and piano recital with Kate Ley

28/10  Holme Pierrepont Hall, Nottinghamshire; piano performance for a wedding

04/10 and 06/10  Sand, Norway; clarinet and piano recitals with Emma Pountney

19/09 - University of Nottingham; online well-being workshop on a topic of 'Rejection' (School of Law)

04/07 London, Plaisterer's Hall; piano accompaniment in a private event

30/06 - University of Nottingham; well-being workshop on a topic of 'Rejection' (School of Business)

22/05 - 07/07  London; Czech language coaching (Bartered Bride), Garsington Opera 

26/04 - 21/05  Milan, Italy; Czech language coaching (Rusalka), Teatro alla Scala 

01/03 - 19/04 (Wednesdays) - University of Nottingham, Well-being and Stress Management workshops for Business School staff

20/01 LSF Music School, Loughborough, staff concert


15/10 Kirk Langley, recital with Yulia Northridge (violin)

19/09 - 08/10 Vienna, Czech Language Coaching, Wiener Staatsoper 

08/08 - 15/09 Cardiff, Czech language coaching, Welsh National Opera

02/08 - 07/08  Edinburgh, Czech language coaching, Garsington Opera 

04/05 - 06/07  London, Czech language coaching, Garsington Opera 

26/01 - 11/03  Cardiff, Czech language coaching, Welsh National Opera 


21/01  LSF Music School, Loughborough - staff concert





11/12 and 12/12  Tettenhall, Wolverhampton - Tettenhall Operatic Christmas Festive Fayre, choir accompaniments & piano solo

11/09  Holme Pierrepont Hall, Nottinghamshire - private event; piano solo


03/07  Holme Pierrepont Hall, Nottinghamshire - private event; piano solo


June  Mahler Piano Prize - online international piano competition adjudication


29/05  Holme Pierrepont Hall, Nottinghamshire - private event; piano solo





09/07  Great Bowden Music Festival online, duet with Melanie Reinhard

02/02  Loughborough, LSF Music School, instrumental competitions accompaniment

17/01  Loughborough, LSF Music School, staff concert



21/12  Solihull, Christmas family concert with Yulia Northridge

18/12  Bournville, Christmas family concert with Yulia Northridge

14/12  Sutton Coldfield, Christmas family concert with Laura Ashton

30/11 + 01/12  Tettenhall, Festive Fayre concerts with the Tettenhall Operatic Society

15/11  Kirk Langley, Film Music Night, violin & piano recital with Yulia Northridge

31/10  Prague, Body Mapping & Music Therapy + a mini-concert; workshop with Anna Neuwirthova

20/10  Tettenhall, St Michael's Church, charity concert for the Acorns Children's Hospice with Jane Eminson and               Peter Morris

04/08  Egginton, workshop with Anna Neuwirthová

01/08   Lichfield, workshop with Suzanna Lloyd-Rees and Anna Neuwirthová

27/07  Sutton Coldfield, Holy Trinity parish church, recital

27/07  Birmingham, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, DRU Yoga event

25/07  Oxford, St Michael at the Northgate, recital

05/07  Derby, St Peter's church, concert with Yulia Northridge

30/06  Egginton Memorial Hall, 'The Soothing Power of Yoga and Music' with Susan Cheese and Petra Milarová

26/06  Wolverhampton Art Gallery, violin and piano recital with Yulia Northridge + live painting by Lloyd Canning

16/02  Solihull, recital 

08/02  Oakham, Rutland

30/01  Bournville, recital

11/01  Sutton Coldfield, recital 


18/11/18  Loughborough, private event with Yulia Northridge

03/11/18  Market Bosworth, private event with Yulia Northridge

31/10/18  Colchester, Iceni Trio with Emma Pountney and Cameron Smith (Brahms Op. 114)

19/10/18  Derby, St Peter's Church, fundraising concert with Yulia Northridge

10/10/18  Repton, '1918 - A musical reflection', Repton School staff concert

26/09/18  Bournville, 'Bach to Broadway'  with Claire Wild

20/09/18  Oxford, 'Bach to Broadway'  with Claire Wild

14/09/18  Chelmsford, 'The Entertainer'  with Emma Pountney

13/07/18  Chelmsford; 'Bach to Broadway', Mercia Duo with Claire Wild

08/07/18  Derby, St Peter's church, fundraising concert with Yulia Northridge & various artists

03/07/18  Derby, Care Home, Leyland Estate with Yulia Northridge

23/06/18  Wolverhampton, WSO (Stravinskij, Marquez)

06/04/18  Afyon, Turkey, Afyonkarahisar Music Festival with Laura Ashton

20/03/18  Sandness, Norway, 'Operakafé' in Sandness Kulturhus with Mercia Ensemble

17/03/18  Codsall, Codsall Arts Festival with Mercia Ensemble

21/02/18  Repton, Repton Music School, 'Viva Espagna'

07/02/18  Burton-on-Trent

19/01/18  Loughborough, LES Music School, staff concert 


08/12/17  Loughborough, LES Music School, lecture about performance health & Body Mapping (

02/12/17  Nottingham, fundraising concert

18-19/10/17  recording, Czech Radio Studio in Ostrava, CZ

11/10/17  London, BBC Young Musician violin accompaniments

06/10/17  Loughborough, LES Music School, charity concert for the WORLD PEACE FLAME with Melanie Reinhardt and guests

09/07/17  Market Harborough, Great Bowden Music Festival 

18/06/17  Lightmoor, charity concert

13/05/17  Birmingham

08/04/17  Wolverhampton, private event

18/01/17  Repton, staff concert


04/12/16  Lightmoor (Christmas charity concert)

07/10/16  Lightmoor, Ironbridge

07/09/16  Hinckley (lunchtime piano trio recital)

23/08/16  Sandnes Kulturhus, Stavanger, Norway (OPERACAFÉ with Mercia Ensemble)

21/08/16  Sola Strand Hotel, Sola, Norway (lunchtime concert with Mercia Ensemble)

28-31/05/16 Tettenhall, White Horse Inn 

01/05/16  Repton, Shostakovich concert

23/04/16  Penn, beneficial concert for Compton Hospice

23/03/16  Foremarke, Young Musician Finals accompaniments


12/03/16  Codsall Arts Festival, recital (Janáček, Martinů, Mussorgsky)

13/01/16 Repton, Staff concert


13/11 Nottingham, Opera Evening (Mercia Duo, Mercia Ensemble)

11/5 Birmingham Conservatoire (Reinecke)

25/4 St Christopher's Church Cosdall, beneficial concert for Compton Hospice

29/3 Wolverhampton, beneficial concert at St Peter's Cathedral (Reinecke)

24/3 Wolverhampton Grammar School (Fauré Requiem)

14/3  Wolverhampton Grammar School (John Ireland piano concerto with W'hampton Symphony Orchestra)

2/2 Repton (Rachmaninov)

14/1 Repton, Mozart Abend (Mozart, Chopin)



14/12 Codsall (Faith)

13/12 Perton (Chopin, Faith)

8/12, 9/12 Wolverhampton (WGS Christmas Concerts)

11/11 Wolverhampton (WGS accompaniments)

8/11 Tettenhall (Chopin, Rutter)

17/10 Wolverhampton

22/7 Birmingham

21/6 Wolverhampton, Haydn concerto

14/6 London (Wigmore Hall)

13/6 Birmingham, Chamber Music festival

7/6 Manchester

13/4  Jihlava, CZ (Gustav Mahler Philharmonic Orchestra), Grieg concerto

8/4 Wolverhampton (WGS), Vivaldi Gloria

30/3 Birmingham, Chamber Music Studio

26/3 Foremarke Hall, Young Musician Competition accompaniment

19/3 London, John Ireland recital

5/3 Birmingham, Symphony Hall competition finals

9/2. Derby, John Ireland recital



9. - 13. 12. Leiston, masterclasses with Wihan Quartet

7. 12.  Kidderminster, Grieg concerto

16. 11. Tettenhall operatic chamber music concert

9. 11. Wolverhampton choir concert, Britten Saint Nicholas

21. 9. Wolverhampton, Dvořák Quintet

25. 7. Lichfield, recital

15.-18. 7. Woodfield school, show accompaniments

25. 6. Birmingham, three recitals for Bartley Green School

22. 6. Worfield

20. 6. Birmingham, John Ireland Festival

12. 5. Cheltenham, recital

9. 4. Birmingham, Piano Accompanist Prize

27. 2. Birmingham; Concert in Camera

20. 2. Birmingham; Renna Kellaway Piano Recital Prize

14. 2. Birmingham; Chamber Music Festival

4. 2. Birmingham; Monday Showcase

1. 2. Wolverhampton; Rotary Club

24. 1. Birmingham



20. 12. Wolverhampton

15. 12. Manchester

15. 12. Tettenhall

9. 12. Wolverhampton

5. 12. Birmingham

1. 12. Kidderminster

27. 11. Codsall

17. 11. Tettenhall

16. 10. Birmingham

12. 10. Perton

29. 9. Wolverhampton

18. - 26. 8. Ardingly College, West Sussex, UK (British Isles Music Festival)

12. - 13. 5. Paris (Finale Councours Musicale de France)

17. 3. Praha

3. 3. Wolverhampton



4. 12. Velké Svatoňovice, CZ

10. 11. Praha (benefitial concert "Na kopci")

5. 11. Wolverhampton, UK

24. - 28. 10. Dresden (piano courses)

23. 10. Jihlava (G. Mahler Philharmony)

27. 6. Ostrava (Janáček Conservatoire)

17. - 24. 6. Bohnice (performaces of National Theatre in Prague)

7. 5. Barletta, Italy

30. 4. Barletta, Italy

3. 4. Praha (Academy of Performing Arts)

31. 3. Bohnice (National Theatre Projects)

20. 1. Lidice, CZ



25. 11. Brno (Olomouc Philharmonic Orchestra)

5. 11. Praha (Faculty of Theology)

17. 10. Senomaty, CZ

5. 10. Lidice, CZ

18. 9. Mšeno, CZ

11. 9. Obříství, CZ

9. 9. Horní Beřkovice, CZ

 21. 4. Praha (Cultural House Smíchov)

13. 4. Praha (Smetana Museum)

6. 4., 7. 4. Turkey (Afyonkarahisar Classical Music Festival)

 7. – 13. 3. Plzeň (International Smetana Piano Competition)

21. 2. Praha (Academy of Performing Arts)

15. 2. Lidice, CZ

 9. 2. Ostrava, CZ

30. 1. Praha (Foerster Hall)



13. 12. Dobré, CZ

8. 12. Jablonec nad Jizerou, CZ

14. 11. Slušovice, CZ

 7. 11. Červený Újezd, CZ

 22. 10. Praha, Academy of Performing Arts (Ambassador´s Concert Series)

 26. 9. Kropáčova Vrutice, CZ


Petra Milarová

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